Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Spring in the Ozarks

Spring in the Ozarks
original watercolor
11 x 15

I have been practicing using different combinations to make green. This time I used phthalo blue and transparent yellow. It made a beautiful light green. To darken it I used a little Burnt Sienna. I think I will use these combinations again.


  1. So pretty and peaceful - wonderful job! :)

  2. Soothing scene!
    Greens are killers for me. I try tube greens and mixing. Summer landscapes scream to be painted! When you find a combination you like, write it down with a sample for future reference ;)

  3. Good idea about writing down. I experiment a lot and can't remember the combinations when I need it.

  4. That's really lovely! Good idea to keep track of what you've tried.

  5. Hi!! Thanks for visiting my blog and I'm glad to meet you. I lived in Fayetteville Ar. for many years and meet and married my sweet hubby in Eureka Springs. I miss the OZARKS and it's beauty. Will always hold a special place in my heart!
