Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!!! A New Painting a Week.

Wow, where did 2011 go?
I can't believe it's been almost a year since I've blogged. It has been a hectic year! Tearing down our old house, living with my sister for six months, building a new house.
Whew! It has been well worth it...a place for my art.
I've been thinking a lot about goals and resolutions... What to do??? Something I can accomplish. Something I enjoy. A goal that makes me grow as an artist. So with much thought and consideration.
I'm going to try a painting a week!!!
So.... here goes.....
Sailboats at Stockton Lake

Red Sailboat
I like how the red reflects in the water.

Red Sailboat 2
I like how this sailboat is in a cove and the trees behind it.

Blue Sailboat
I like the line of this sailboat,

and I can see some of the details of the boat.

Sketching and Planning
I'm going to do more planning and sketching before I paint.

Masking Fluid Tip: I always use an inexpensive brush when I apply masking fluid. (Yes, I have ruined many brushes, but this process makes a brush last longer.) Before I start using the masking fluid, I always use this process to make the brush last longer. First dip your brush in water, then in liquid hand soap, and finally in the masking fluid. Keep up this process until you are finished using the masking fluid. Before putting the brush aside clean off any remaining masking fluid and wash with soap and water.

I usually start with the sky and work down the painting. For the sky I used a wash of ultramarine blue and phthalo blue. I lifted out some clouds with a crumpled up kleenex.

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